Mar 26, 2009

Rockin Rollin

So This weekend i went to one of those Roller Derbie things over the weekend with Dave, Barnie, and Travis. Dave dating a girl who does it so he goes to all of them, he always talks about how much fun they are so i figured id give it a shot. Turns out they are a ton of fun. girls hitting each other all over the place and i mean i saw some fucking gnarly falls and it was awesome. Dave's girl punky got put into penalty lane and one time she came into fast and just trucked through all the cheers it was awesome. After i got wasted at the game there was an after party right by where they play where i drank some drinks that are pictured below. haha these girls are nuts.

This week i decided not to ride everyday all day like ive been doing for the past 2 months and test my hand in the work field. Aaron bostrum does like side remodeling on Million dollar house for a living and he need some help tearing up a deck so he brought in the haha master of disaster. the fucking house had an amazing view in Hermosa beach shit was so sick. At one point Aaron was taking down some shit and got dust all over him. After it was over he looked like a terrorist terrorism so i took some photos so we can put him on the do not fly list haha.